As illustrated in the organizational diagram below, the Center Director, Gitte Moos Knudsen has the overall responsibility for meeting the milestones within BrainDrugs, including the financial and reporting responsibility.

Fig3 BrainDrugs Organogram v7

The Executive Board (EB) consists of seven senior scientists that will oversee and review the progress of the work and make all relevant strategic decisions. The EB will gather physically at least once yearly, at the annual meeting, and will have audiovisual conferences in-between. The board is composed to broadly ensure coverage of most of the disciplines exerted in BrainDrugs:


  Gitte Moos Knudsen, MD, DMSc. PI of BrainDrugs. Chairperson at NRU, Rigshospitalet. Neurologist with research focus on translational neurobiology and neuropharmacology. Director of The Innovation Fund Denmark funded Center for Experimental Medicine Neuropharmacology ( and past-president for the European College of Neuropharmacology (ECNP). Professor Knudsen will be overall responsible for BrainDrugs, including the financial and reporting responsibility, and she will be assisted by administrative staff to cover daily administration as well as financial and legal aspects of BrainDrugs. 
 Soren Brunak  


Søren Brunak, PhD. Professor of Disease Systems Biology at the University of Copenhagen and professor of Bioinformatics at the Technical University of Denmark. He has expertise within bioinformatics, systems biology and medical informatics.



Ida Hageman, MD, DMSc. Assistant Director at Mental Health Services, Capital Region of Denmark. Her scientific interest is in major depression and in translational research and clinical research into affective disorders.



Vibe G. Frøkjær, MD, PhD. Clinical professor in neuropsychiatry at the University of Copenhagen. Half-time employments at Neurobiology Research Unit, Rigshsopitalet and the Psychiatric Center Copenhagen. Her scientific interest is the influence hormonal changes on mental health, major depression and in translational research and clinical research into affective disorders.

 LarsP crop  


Lars H. Pinborg, MD, DMSc. Clinical professor in neurology with special focus on epilepsy at University of Copenhagen. He is chair of the Danish epilepsy surgery programme and his scientific focus area includes clinical epileptology, molecular and structural neuroimaging, drug resistance in epilepsy, and epilepsy surgery.



Thomas Werge, PhD. Professor at Department of Clinical Medicine, University of Copenhagen and Director of Institute of Biological Psychiatry, Mental Health Services, Capital Region of Denmark. He has expertise within precision psychiatry, neurogenetics, translational psychiatry, and translational genomics.